Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

After Lazarus dies in John chapter 11, Jesus meets his sister Martha on the road to the tomb. Now, Martha is obviously grieving the loss of her brother. So Jesus consoles her by saying, “Your brother will rise again”. But when Martha hears that, she assumes He’s talking about the resurrection that will take place on the last day. So Jesus clarifies, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.”

Do you see? Jesus loves this woman so much that He meets her right where she’s at, revealing His glory to her in an unbelievable way, and yet providing answers for both Lazarus and for her. Jesus is saying, “Martha, I am the resurrection. I have the power and authority to bring life out of death. So I’m exactly what your brother needs. He who believes in Me will live even if he dies. Your brother is dead, but in a moment, I will raise him from the grave. But Martha, I’m not only the resurrection; I also the life. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Resurrection is for your brother who is dead, but life is for you Martha, that you may never die." Martha responded, “Lord, I believe.” But the question is do you believe?

Something to think about from the Proclamation point of view.