Operation Christmas Child

Join us as we collect shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.  There are many ways you can get involved.

  1. Pack your own shoebox
  2. Donate small toys and supplies
  3. Provide funds to help cover shipping costs

Teens will be assembling shoeboxes at youth group on Friday, November 17th, so please bring items to be included to the church no later than Friday. Below is a suggested list of items:

  • School Supplies - markers, crayons, small pads of paper, etc.
  • Personal Hygiene Products - hairbrush, toothbrush with cover, soap and container, etc.
  • Fun Items - small stuffed animal, small game, card game, deflated soccer ball, pump, etc.
  • Clothing Items - plain t-shirt, pair of socks, bracelet, hair bands, etc.
  • A Personal Note - include a family or group photo and address and child may write back

Visit the Samaritan’s Purse website to find more suggested items and details on how to pack a shoebox.

Fully assembled shoeboxes should be returned to the church no later than Sunday, November 19th.