Shadow of Death

June 16, 2024 Preacher: Richie Pendred Series: 2 Samuel

Topic: 2 Samuel Passage: 2 Samuel 15:1– 19:43

Shadow of Death
Christ Proclamation Church

Sermon Theme: In various seasons, the wicked thrive while the righteous are rejected and despised. But during dark days of despair, God is faithful. He never leaves or  forsakes His people. So then, Christians are called to endure in the shadow of death, knowing Christ has redeemed us and will keep us forever!

I. COUNTERFEIT KING RISES – (2 Sam. 15:1-12)
   A. Absalom’s Conspiracy – (15:1-6)
   B. Absalom’s Coup – (15:7-12)
   C. Absalom’s Counsel – (16:15-23)
II. TRUE KING RENOUNCED – (2 Sam. 15:13-19:43)
   A. David’s Escape – (15:13-22)
   B. David’s Wilderness Journey – (15:23-16:14)
   C. David’s Return – (17:1-19:43)
      1. Hushai’s Counsel – (17:1-29)
      2. Absalom’s Demise – (18:1-33)
      3. David’s Restoration – (19:8a-43)
   A. King Jesus Has Redeemed His People
   B. King Jesus Will Keep His People

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